You raised €5,895 for the Maison des femmes!

The pre-order for the Poplin Shirt ended just a week ago. Your support has been AMAZING. You have pre-ordered a total of 1179 shirts !
Thanks to you, we were able to make a donation of €5,895 - or €5 per shirt sold - to the Maison des femmes de Saint-Denis, a welcoming structure for all vulnerable women or victims of violence. This is an exceptional donation that makes us very proud.
Before telling you in more detail what this money will be used for, we simply wanted to (again) say a very big thank you for your support, your encouragement and all your kindness towards us during the 17 days of this epic campaign.
We also wanted to tell you why we do all this, why we will systematically donate part of our turnover to an association during each new launch. Because the question deserves to be asked: Is it really our role to do that ? Is it really the role of a fashion brand ?

You know this if you have followed us from the beginning: with RÉUNI we want to create more than a fashion brand. Fashion, art, craftsmanship, the creation of exceptional pieces, it’s our job, our passion. And we decided to put this passion also at the service of ideas and values ​​that transcend us to create a business with meaning.
We believe that brands have power over society and that it is their responsibility to use this power to participate in the changes that they would like see arise within their industries, and more broadly throughout society.
For this we have set ourselves an ambitious and stimulating mission at the same time: show at our small level that we can make beautiful clothes while having an impact positive and lasting impact on the world.
This involves reasoned production - we sell one part at a time in pre-order - and circular economy solutions such as eco-design and optimization of the lifespan of our clothes.
But it also involves supporting solidarity initiatives like the Maison des femmes, and others tomorrow. We help them by donating part of our turnover and by serving as a voice for their action via our podcast Gathered to CHANGE THE WORLD .
If we chose to support the Maison des femmes, it is because we were touched and inspired by the speech and commitment of its founder, Ghada Hatem, who fights against this scourge which concerns us directly or indirectly: violence against women.
We had Ghada on our podcast, GATHERED TO CHANGE THE WORLD. In this episode, we return with her to the genesis of her project and the need to create a place dedicated to women who suffer violence. Ghada also explains to us what she does with her entire team on a daily basis to help women.
5895 euros is a lot of money. What exactly will this sum be used for ? It seemed important to us to tell you.

The sad reality is that violence against women increased by 35% during confinement. As a result, the Maison des femmes de Saint-Denis is facing a considerable influx of requests for support since the end of lockdown. 
To respond to these dramatic situations – intra-family and marital violence, requests for late or late abortions – and to support women as best as possible, La Maison des femmes was forced to strengthen its teams by recruiting one.e psychologist and one.e assistant.and social.e 
This recruitment would help approximately 700 women and represents a budget of €90,000, a sum for which the Maison des femmes has launched a campaign crowdfunding. It is for this collection that the €5,895 that we collected together will be used.
Thank you for all these women.

There you go, you know everything now. And if you haven't pre-ordered the shirt but want to help the Maison des femmes, you can do so by participating in their collection. Every donation counts!
And if not, what’s the next step for RÉUNI ?
In July, we will launch our Cardigan!
Until then, take good care of yourself.
Alice, Adrien & Julien
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